Lv. 25: 1, 8-17 | Ps. 67:2-3, 5, 7-8 | Mt. 14:1-12
This passage from Leviticus is the origin of the Jubilee year which occurs every fifty years. This chapter tells the Israelites what the requirements are for buying and selling land, the forgiveness of debt, celebrating Sabbath, etc. How blessed we would be if we took some time to celebrate a jubilee with our family and friends!
The Gospel relates the story of the beheading of John the Baptist. King Herod had some admiration for John deep down inside. Yet because of the hatred of his wife and his own self-respect, he had John beheaded. What is important to learn is that the principles by which we live must be more important than our desire to be respected by others. Unless we can stand honestly before Christ and remain steadfast in times of temptation, then we have sold ourselves for a “good name.”
Consider how you celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, jubilees. Do you celebrate with much care and attention to giving time to be with God? Are you more concerned with your reputation than your relationship with God?