Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 | Ps. 32:1-2, 5, 11| 1Cor. 10:31-11:1 | Mk 1:40-45
Jesus, once again, shows pity on those who are sick and come to Him for help. Today, a leper came and said: “If you wish, you can make me clean.” This statement shows the leper’s complete belief in Jesus. There is no hesitation, just complete trust. Jesus’ response is immediate. There is no hesitation on His part. “I will be clean.” When we go to Jesus, present our needs with deep trust and belief, Jesus will respond. The same attitude applies to the healing of our souls, our hearts, our spirits. If we go to Jesus, present our needs, our failings, our sins and ask Jesus to heal us, He will.
Paul calls us to do all that we do for the honor and glory of God. He invites us to be imitators of Christ. If we imitate Christ, we will likewise forgive those who offend us or hurt us in any way.
In what way can you help support those who are hungry, without shelter or clothing? Make a concerted effort to do so by taking concrete steps. Check to see if there is anyone whom you need to forgive. Ask God for the grace to do so.