Num. 6:22-27 | Ps. 67:2-3, 5-6, 8 | Gal. 4:4-7 | Lk. 2:16-21
Today, we celebrate numerous feasts. It is the feast of Mary, Mother of God, the World Day of Peace, and New Year’s Day. May this New Year bring each of us ever closer to God. May Mary, the Mother of God, help each of us become better keepers of the peace in our own lives, our homes, and our places of work! If each of us strove to do this each day, our world would be more peaceful and a better place for all to be. What a gift this would be as we continue to deal with the acts of terror that have occurred in our world.
This first reading from Numbers sets the pace. If we repeated these phrases of blessing each day, we would not be able to be harsh or mean to anyone. Paul reminds us that God sent Jesus to us so that we might realize that we are God’s adopted children and, as such, we are heirs of the Kingdom of God. The Gospel displays the scene of the shepherds coming to adore Jesus. Their faith was so real and so complete that they simply came, saw, and believed.
We are called to have a similar faith in God. God wants each of us to realize how much a child of God we are and how beloved we are to God. God invites us to accept our heritage and to be peace-full peace-makers. Perhaps we should write down the blessings from the first reading and give it a prominent place so that we remember to pray it each day.
“The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”