Is. 60: 1-6 | Ps. 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-13 | Eph 3: 2-3a, 5-6 | Mt. 2: 1-12
John tells us that if we are to be like God then we must be lovers. Because God is love; only lovers can be a part of God. We live in days and times which require people who have enormous amounts of love. Through love, we can transform our world. The Gospel shows this great love of Jesus for the people as He reaches out to them in great compassion. He sees their inner hunger and feeds them internally. When the days draw to a close, He again feeds their persons with the food of bread and fish.
We are invited to look with compassion upon others. Through our compassion, we can likewise feed those who are physically and spiritually hungry. Take time to see who is in need of your compassion. Respond to their needs.