Sir. 42:15-25 | Ps. 33:2-9 | Mk 10:46-52
The readings invite us to look around our surroundings and give thanks to God for giving all the natural beauty to us for our wonderment as our great God who provides for us in many ways.
The Gospel of Mark tells us about the great belief of Bartimaeus. Jesus asks him: “What do you want?” Bartimaeus responds, “That I might see.” Bartimaeus begins the conversation by calling Jesus to have pity on him. Jesus is aware of his faith in Him, Jesus.
We, too, should call upon Jesus to help us to see. However, Bartimaeus is not asking for physical sight alone. He is also requesting to see interiorly and to be able to receive the sight to live each day with the desire to worship God each moment.
Take time to reflect on this passage and ask God to give you the necessary help to be open to all the gifts we have whether they are spiritual, natural or physical.