Jonah 3:1-10 | Ps. 130:1-4, 7-8 |Lk. 10:38-42
Jonah preaches the Word of God to the Ninevites. The King issues a proclamation that all shall do penance. Because they were willing to listen to God, God forgave them for their wrongdoing. Jesus is invited to the home of Martha and Mary. Martha’s style of hospitality was different from Mary’s. She complains to Jesus that Mary is not helping her. Jesus tells her that she is worried about the wrong things. Mary has chosen the better part in that she has chosen to sit at Jesus’s feet and listen to Him.
Jesus invites us to listen to Him through scripture, reading and prayer. Jesus asks us to set aside time from our busy schedules of running here and there and just listen to the scriptures and ask Christ to teach us their meaning. Take time to do so now. God will enlighten you and grant you His Peace.