Rom. 1:16-25 | Ps. 19:2-5 | Lk. 11:37-41
Paul seems to continue the message we heard yesterday. He does not mince words in speaking to those who refuse to listen to the Word of God. Jesus likewise wastes no words when the Pharisee condemns Him for not performing the required ablutions before sitting to eat. Jesus reminds the Pharisees and ourselves that the external is not all there is to a person. It is what is on the inside that determines what kind of a person we are. Thus, if we are one way in front of people and are bitter, cutting, resentful on the inside, we will be held accountable for those internal attitudes. In time, these interior attitudes color our external actions as well.
What does your heart look like? How much love is contained there? Do you criticize and find fault with others? How can you begin to develop attitudes which will bring peace, joy and love to our world?