Rom 4:13, 16-18 | Ps 105: 6-9, 42-43 | Lk 12: 8-12
Today, Paul tells us that it is faith that gains us eternal life, not the law. To the Jewish people, at that time, it was strict adherence to the law that saved them. Paul strongly refutes this. Jesus, likewise, tells us that it is our faith in God that will bring us to eternal life. Jesus continues this thought by telling us that it is the Holy Spirit who brings us healing and forgiveness. The Holy Spirit was given to each of us through our Baptism. We are called to believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is the Holy Spirit who will guide and direct us as we live and act each day of our lives. Jesus tells us not to be concerned about what we will say or do but to call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us in every situation in our lives.
Consider the actions of the Holy Spirit in your life. Think of times when you were directed by the Holy Spirit to do something. How did following those inspirations affect you? How did it feel when you didn’t follow those inspirations? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you learn how to respond to God’s inspirations in your life.