Ex. 22:20-26 | Ps. 18:2-4, 47, 51 | 1 Thes. 1:5-10 | Mt. 22:34-40
The readings call us to love and to recognize that love of God and love of neighbor are the two great commandments. This is exhibited in Exodus when God calls the Israelites to be kind, generous, and compassionate toward all and especially towards the poor and downtrodden. Those who extort the poor will know God’s wrath in return. God will show compassion to those who are needy. Jesus, once again, in response to the testing of the Pharisees, gives them the key to living life according to God’s designs. Love is the only answer. How different would our lives be if we responded to all people with love?
Reflect on this virtue. How easily do you respond to others in your life with love? Toward whom do you find it difficult to be loving? With whom do you need to change your response? How can you begin to do so today?