Nm. 21:4b-9 | Ps. 78:1-2, 34-38 | Phil. 2:6-11 | Jn. 3:13-17
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Cross. As Christians, we are aware that our salvation has been won for us through Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. The Gospel reminds us that God so loved us that God sent Jesus, God’s only Son, to save us from our sins. Just as the Israelites who were bitten by the snakes were saved if they looked up at the seraph, so we are saved from our sins through Christ’s willingness to be sacrificed on the Cross. Paul reminds us that it is through this gift of Christ that we have been raised from our slavery to sin.
Truly we are God’s and have been healed through this great gift of Christ. Take time to consider this great gift. Ask God to help you grow in appreciation of Christ’s gift to you. Give time to prayer today.