Dt. 4:32-40 | Ps. 77:12-16, 21 | Mt. 16:24-28
Having our priorities set on the right things is one of the messages in today’s readings. In Deuteronomy, we hear the Israelites being asked: “Whom do you know that has seen what you have seen, experienced what you experienced, and lived?” The Jewish people have been complaining again, and God tries to set them straight. In the Gospel, Jesus is reminding us to set our hearts on the right things. Doing so may mean that we will have to deny our own pleasures and take up the cross to follow Jesus. Jesus promises to be with us and to take care of us. What is required is faith or trust that Jesus will do this. It means letting go of control and allowing God to lead.
Ask yourself the question: Where do I put most of my energy in life? Is God a part of that picture? If not, how can you begin to set your heart on the right things?