1Thes. 2:1-8 | Ps. 139:1-6 | Mk. 6:17-29
Paul reminds the Thessalonians that he came to them in the name of God and did not betray the trust given him by God. He taught them exactly what he had been taught. Upon reading the Gospel, which relates the story of the beheading of John the Baptist, one would wonder how God delivered John from his troubles. Jesus does not promise that our lives will be spared. Indeed, Jesus himself lost His own life through crucifixion. Jesus promises us that our spiritual lives will be saved. When we place our trust in God, God will give us all we need to live each moment, each joy, each sorrow with peace and calm. We will be saved from inward storms. Thus, even if our life is threatened greatly, we will remain calm in God. As in the words of the song, “...No inward storm will...”
Give thanks to God for all those who have given their lives in service for you. Give thanks for Jesus, John the Baptist, and so many others. Ask God to help you as you live each moment of your life in peace, calm and joy.