Ex. 40:16-21, 34-38 | Ps. 84:3-6, 8, 11 | Mt. 13:47-53
Moses erects the Ark of the Covenant as he has been instructed. When the cloud covered the Ark, the Israelites remained in camp. When the cloud moved, the Israelites moved on their journey.
Jesus continues to teach about the Kingdom. This time, Jesus compares the kingdom to a net thrown into the sea which collects both good and bad. What is good is kept, what is bad is thrown away. This is what the angels will do at the end of time. They will separate the good from the bad. What Jesus wants us to know is that He continues to search for people and to invite us into the Kingdom. It is our choice to live in such a way as to be included in the good. As the Israelites journeyed through the desert under the direction of God, so we are called to journey each day with God and be led through the desert of our daily lives. Our response of “yes” to God makes all the difference.
Take time to be with God. Ask for the grace to be open to the Kingdom. Express your desires and needs to God. God will take care of us. Trust!