1 Jn 1:1-4 | Ps. 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 | Jn. 20:2-8
Today is the feast of St. John, the apostle. John called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved. This was not a bragging act on John’s part. John understood what Jesus was all about, and he was able to accept the fact that Jesus did in fact love him. We are all loved by Jesus. We are called to accept Jesus’ love for us in much the same way that John did. When we do so, our lives are changed forever. In the epistle, John is telling us that he was a witness to the goodness and saving life of Jesus, and that he is passing that Good News on to us. The Gospel relates the story of Peter and John running to the tomb to see if Jesus had truly risen. After doing so, there could be no doubt that Jesus was indeed the Messiah and has risen as He had indeed said He would.
Today, the second day after Christmas, be still and contemplate the wonderful gift of Jesus to you through the Incarnation. Allow yourself to recognize Christ’s deep love for you. Breathe in that love. Allow it to touch the very core of your being. Be still for several minutes out of gratitude for that love. Then bring that love out to each person you encounter.