Ez 18:21-28 | Ps. 130:1-8 | Mt. 5:20-26
Today, Jesus is telling us that we are to do more than what is absolutely imposed by the law. Rather, we are called to treat all of our neighbors, that is, all people with love. Doing the minimum is only the first step on the journey to God. Treating all people with love, compassion and fairness is what God wants of us. We need to treat all people, those who are rich, the poor, those of different color from ourselves, those of different opinions with the same love and care and dignity as God treats us.
How do you treat those with whom you live? How do you treat people with whom you work? How do you respond to others who think differently from you?
Today, ask God for the grace to realize how much God loves you. Then ask God to help you go out to others and love them in the same manner.