Gn. 18:1-15 | Ps. Lk. 1:46-50, 53-55 | Mt. 8:5-17
Faith is the virtue which ties all the readings together. Abraham was visited by the angels of God, and he greeted them with the great hospitality that was a part of the life of the Beduoin people. When the angel told Abraham that he would return the following year and Sarah would have a Son, Sarah laughed. Yet because of God’s faithfulness to the promise and Abraham’s faith in God, the promise was fulfilled. Isaac was born before the year ended. We see the great faith of the Centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant. As Jesus was about to go to his home, the Centurion tells him he is unworthy: “Just say the Word and my servant will be healed.” God wishes to extend healing, forgiveness, and all other graces we need. God invites us to believe in Him. There are many events in all of our lives when we must trust the people involved to do as they promise. If we are able to put so much trust in these human powers, how can we not place all our trust in God?
Take time to consider all that God wishes to give you. Give thanks for all the graces of your life. Ask for the grace to trust more and more completely. Begin to do so today.