Gn. 21: 5, 8-20a | Ps. 34:7-8, 10-13 | Mt. 8:28-34
Genesis tells us how Hagar the slave who bore Abraham the son, Ishmael, is sent away to the desert because Sarah is jealous of her. Hagar’s journey leads her to the point of starvation and no water. She cries out to God who comes to her aid and provides water for her and her son. God promises them that Ishmael will be the father of many people.
The Gospel relates the story of the demoniacs who meet Jesus. The demons ask Jesus not to dispel them from the area but send them into the flock of sheep. When Jesus does this, the herd of sheep run into the sea. The townspeople are so concerned about the loss of the sheep that they send Jesus away from the town and tell Him not to return.
How many times do our possessions become more important than people? This is the case in both readings. God invites us to reflect on what we value most. Is it God, our possessions, people? Resolve to make God first and people second. Ask God for the help to recognize the times when you do not live accordingly. Be ready to be challenged.