Rom. 16:3-9, 16, 22-27 | Ps. 145:2-5, 10-11 |Lk. 16:9-15
How much stock do you put in money, fame and fortune? Jesus tells us that we cannot
serve two masters: that of God and that which promotes money, fame, and fortune. Jesus tells us that we must choose between following God or seeking money, etc. Jesus is not telling us that we cannot have money. We need money to obtain the essentials of life such as food, clothing and shelter. What Jesus is teaching us is that we cannot have these things as our primary goal. Our primary goal must be to love and serve God. If we put this in place, then all other things will play a secondary part in our lives.
Paul seems to repeat this when he completes the letter to the Corinthians with the beautiful
prayer of praise to God. He knows the wonder, joy and wisdom of God and calls us to join him in giving thanks and praise to God.
Take time to pray with this last paragraph of Paul’s letter. Ask God to help you to live your life in service to God and to give thanks and praise to God for all you have received.