Wis. 2:23-3:9 | Ps. 34:2-3, 16-19 |Lk. 17:7-10
The readings today call us to realize that God has gifted us with all we need to live a life worthy of God. When we have lived as Wisdom calls us to live, that is as loving, just, and compassionate; then, we will know that we have lived as God desires us, and we will want nothing in return. Those who trust in God shall come to understand the truth. Those who are faithful shall live with God in love.
This is all because God’s care, love, forgiveness and compassion are with those who follow God’s call. Jesus calls us to go the extra step and to do all for love. When we know we are loved, how can we respond except in love?
The scriptures want us to be steeped in God and in God’s love. We do not have to pass a test; hide somewhere; know the right response. We cannot prove ourselves worthy of God. All we can do is accept God’s love for us. Bask in God’s love today!