Rom. 12:5-16b | Ps. 131:1cde, 2-3 | Lk. 14:15-24
Paul is teaching us that each has been given gifts from God. We are to use those gifts in service to God’s people realizing that these gifts are from God. Paul continues to teach us that our lives should be lived out of love for all of God’s people, and that we should go out of our way to help others and come to their aid.
The Gospel relates the story of the King whose invited guests came up with all kinds of excuses when the time for the dinner came. The king sends out to the highways and byways to invite others to the feast. This story is teaching us that those of us who have been called by God should live in such a way that we will always be ready to come to the dinner. If we do not use all the gifts given us, then we will have all kinds of excuses for not being able to attend.
How well do you use the gifts you have been given? For whom do you use them? How do you spread God’s Word to others? Take time to see if you are ready to be invited to the banquet.