Rom 4: 20-25 | Ps. Lk 1: 69-75 | Lk 12: 13-21
Today’s readings stand directly opposed to the messages we are bombarded with every day through the advertisements in newspapers, radio and television, on billboards, and especially as suggested by our culture itself. Paul tells us that it is our faithfulness to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ that will gain us eternal life. Jesus reinforces this through His story about the rich man. We are called to live life in such a way that we not only take care of ourselves but also provide for those who are less fortunate than we are. We do not do this only through our sharing of our money but also by working on behalf of the poor and disenfranchised. This will require time on our part; but, it is a necessary action for us.
Pray with scripture today. Reflect on ways that you can share with those in need. Do you write your congresspersons on behalf of the poor? Do you help out with local programs that work with the poor? How can you help?