Is. 5:1-7 | Ps. 80:9, 12-16, 19-20 | Phil. 4:6-9 | Mt. 21:33-43
The vineyard is used in both Isaiah and Matthew to teach us lessons about life. God, through Isaiah, tells the Israelites that He planted the finest vineyard; but, someone else came and planted unwholesome grapes and ruined it. God is telling the people that they have allowed the influence of the ungodly to take over and lead them away from God. Jesus’s parable tells how the renters took over the vineyard and refused to give the owner his just payment when harvesting time came. Instead, they beat and killed the servants and finally the son. Jesus uses the parable to teach the people that He is the Son who has been rejected by the leaders of the people. He likewise is predicting His own death in the future.
How do you tend the vineyard of God, your soul? In what ways might you have strayed? How can you change so that you will return to the path to God? Begin the journey today.